Sunday, July 31, 2016

Muscle Building Foods - List of Post & Pre Workout Foods That Help in Bodybuilding

Nutrition plays a major role in muscle building. You should maintain a good diet regime for increasing your muscle mass with ease. Muscle building foods include carbohydrates, fats and protein. You should preferably take more small meals daily for boosting your metabolism that consequently helps in burning fats in your body. One should also drink 10-12 glasses of water daily for maintaining the body temperature.


List Of Post & Pre Workout Foods That Help In Bodybuilding

Complex carbohydrates

* Bread
* Brown rice
* Potatoes
* Bagel
* Pasta
* Cereal

These are muscle building food and helps in providing energy to your muscles. Complex carbs releases energy slowly unlike juices, energy drinks etc. You should also include protein in your post workout diet, as they are the building blocks of our body.

Some of the most efficient protein foods are as follows:

* Chicken breast
* Egg whites
* Turkey
* Cottage cheese
* Yogurt
* Tuna

You should also include protein supplements in your diet for attaining instant energy. Your post workout meal should also have fats such as:

* Flaxseed oil
* Olive oil
* Cod liver oil

You can easily drink protein shakes before and after your workouts. It is advisable to have light meal before workouts.

You need lots of strength and endurance for performing muscle-building workouts that can be easily provided by Nitric Oxide supplements. This product can easily increase the flow of blood in your body that consequently helps in improving your muscle mass. Nitric oxide supplement also helps in preventing various deadly disorders such as diabetes, cancer and heart attacks. It can strengthen your immune system. This product nourishes your overall health with flamboyance.

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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Top 10 Nutrition And Workout Tips For Women Who Want To Lose 50 Pounds In 4 Months

Although the statistics claim that men and women suffer weight issues alike, the women folk will agree it's a tougher battle for them. Men have it easy. They can gorge on calorie-loaded servings of dessert and still stay slim. On the other hand, we women have to watch everything we put into our mouth and wait to see where it will soon show up.


It's a matter of difference in the way our bodies are created. Fret not! Here are 10 nutrition and workout tips for women who want to lose 50 pounds in 4 months. Follow them strictly if you want to burn all the stubborn body fat like your counterparts.

Did you know it is harder for women to lose weight than men? 

The above statement is true. Weight loss is harder for women than men. Several studies support this fact. In situations where males and females had similar diet and fitness routines, the former were able to lose weight faster than the latter. Why?

The difference in body composition is the primary reason. A man's body has a higher percentage of muscle while a woman's body is composed mainly of fat. The hormone testosterone is responsible for their muscular physique. Muscles promote fat loss. Besides, men have a bulky frame and weigh more. Their large bodies demand more calories to sustain its daily activities. Thus, their body structure keeps them fit and trim.

On the contrary, a woman's body is genetically designed to store fat. The female hormone estrogen stores fat around the hips and abdomen and on the tights and buttocks in preparation for reproduction and childbirth. Thus, the hormones clash with their weight loss efforts making it difficult for them to shed unwanted pounds.

How to Lose Weight fast: 50 lbs in 4 months 

50 pounds in 4 months is safe and reasonable figure for women. A proper combination of diet and exercise will help you achieve this goal.

Nutrition Tips 

1. Eat foods that will kick start your metabolism and promote fat burning within the body. Increase intake of proteins, fiber, and water-rich fruits and vegetables.

2. Dieting means cutting back on a food item or group; it does not mean cutting it out completely. Carbohydrates and fats should be consumed in limited quantities. Avoid eating too little because you might end up overeating within the next few hours.

3. Many start skipping meals to lose weight fast. Breakfast and lunch are popular ones. Dropping a meal is not recommended because it slows your metabolism making it more difficult to melt flab. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are the three compulsory meals of the day.

4. Break up the total calorie intake for the day in six smaller meals. If you overeat at one meal, eat less at the other.

5. Try as much as possible to eat home-cooked food. Processed foods are known for their high fat and sugar content.

6. When eating out, be careful of serving sizes. If it is too large, take a portion of it home. Request to have sauces and dressings served separately. Eat low-calorie foods.

7. Drink a big glass of water before and after every meal. It will make you eat less and keep you satiated for a longer duration.

8. Get enough of sleep. Fatigue prompts you to eat more.

Workout Tips 

9. As far as exercise is concerned, you should target minimum 60 minutes, three times a week. Your fitness routine should include aerobic and strength-training exercises. Aerobic exercises boost the heart rate while strength training builds muscles.

10. Motivation is a must throughout the process. Exercising in a group or with a buddy makes a workout seem less demanding. Rewards for small achievements, music and a dairy or journal are minor motivation boosters you can use.

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Diet, Nutrition and Exercise Simplified - 9 Steps to Make You Lose Weight Easily!

Are you tired of reading diet books or exercise books that are hundreds of pages long with even more pages worth of recipes or workout routines? I know I am, I think I may have wasted many days worth of reading time going through the newest/most popular exercise routine or diet book to try and get in shape...truth is reading does not burn calories or tone muscle, taking action does!

And luckily for you and me all Diet, Nutrition and Exercise books have a few simple things in common that will work and always work when it comes to losing weight. Just think of the following points as the 9 easiest ways to lose weight...


1. Eat More Regularly - Eat 5 or six fist sized meals a day to keep your metabolism kicking. This stops so much fat being absorbed from your food and ending up on your waistline. And don't miss out on breakfast ever!

2. Stop Eating Two Hours Before Bedtime - Your body tends to slow down at this time of day and you're not going to exercise before bed are you? This is an easy way to pile on the pounds...cut it out and lose weight easily.

3. Treat Yourself - One day a week go mad and eat whatever you like, not a great way to cut down on calories but it is a great way to keep you satisfied. The majority of people who fail on a diet fail because their diet does not make them happy. This is the best technique to help you stick to a diet and lose weight.


1. Avoid White Carbohydrates or Sugars - Always eat whole wheat, wholegrain, brown or other healthy low GI carbohydrates such as sweet potato's parsnips, beans etc. Examples of Low GI foods and the simplest of all carbohydrates to avoid is sugar.

2. Eat More Protein - 1g of protein per pound of your body weight is a great way to keep your metabolism running strong and fuel your muscles effectively. Muscle is the best tissue to have so you look good and have the ability to burn body fat. If you can't get enough protein from food on its own try a whey protein supplement.

3. Eat your Vegetables - Packed with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and a great way to slow down your appetite and not up your calorie intake. A great slimming solution!


1. Break A Sweat - If you are serious about losing weight then gentle walking isn't going to cut it. Breaking a sweat and getting your heart rate up is the only way in which your body can burn enough calories to effectively burn body fat. Remember this when exercising.

2. Do Exercise You Enjoy - I personally enjoy weight training but everyone is different. If you don't enjoy the exercise you are doing or have negative associations with it then you won't do it! Simple really...Do something you enjoy and you will reap the benefits and be happier for it.

3. Get The Edge Over Exercise - Exercise gives great weight loss results but these results can be better. How? Using Supplements like thermogenic fat burners and whey protein give you the edge to improve the fat burning results greatly. Look for Fat Burners containing Sinetrol, Green Tea Extract, Cayenne, Naringen and Caffeine Anhydrous.

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Wednesday, July 27, 2016

7 Foods That Help to Burn Tummy Fat Naturally

What you eat has a tremendous effect on how fast you lose tummy fat. In fact, your nutrition can even be more powerful than your workouts. It is very hard to undo the effects of bad food. This is why it's crucial to include the right kind of food in your regular diet plan. To do that, I want to share with you 7 foods that help you burn tummy fat fast. Include these foods in your diet and you may see additional fat burning.


1. Kale - Who would have thought that this small and often overlooked herb could help you shed belly fat. However, it is true. Kale has many health benefits, one of them being that it contains Indole-3-carbinol, a substance that helps you to fight against Xenoestrogens, which are chemicals that can lead to great abdominal fat storage and make it harder for you to get flat abs.

2. Eggs - The reason why eggs can help you burn fat is twofold: eggs help you to remail full and so are excellent appetite suppressants. The second reason is that the protein in eggs helps you to maintain and build your muscle tissue and in doing so keep a high metabolism. In addition, eggs contain many helpful substances that your body craves.

3. Grapefruit - This fruit is also an excellent appetite suppressant. Research has shown that eating grapefruit regularly may help you reduce weight faster than otherwise. It doesn't need to be the cornerstone of your dietary plan but it can still workout pretty nicely.

4. Turmeric - This healthy spice may help the fat burning process inside of you as it aids the gull bladder to produce more bile which is necessary in the quick digestion of fat.

5. Broccoli - Similarly to Kale, this cruciferous vegetable helps to burn belly fat by fighting the xenoestrogens that promote abdominal fat storage.

6. Garlic - While not to be eaten in excess for social reasons, Garlic contains allicin that may help you to better deal with the fats inside your body and has many other health benefits as well.

7. Apples - These are considered as a fat burning food as they contain pectin that has been shown to assist in the fat burning process.

By incorporating these foods into your diet you may burn more tummy fat faster than ever before, as long as you also workout properly.

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